Kitesurfing school Lessons & bookings
kbs kitesurf school punta cana is a legally registered company. we fully comply with local and international laws. we are insured and fully licensed by the ministry of tourism of dominican republic.
we are not the cheapest but we are the only legal school in the area .
why kbs ?
included in the price: iko insurance, safety equipment, kitesurf equipment, iko certification ( from 6 hours lesson )
we teach in english, spanish , italian
we use walkie talkie ( you will never walk alone !!!! )
150 us$ / person is the sum to prepay every session for any price
!!!!!!!! we do not provide transportation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iko level 1 course (1 day)
discovery price
1 hour 99$
2 hOURS 190 $
1day, iko LeveL 1
We teach you the different kiteboarding basics like: Wind windows, Safeties, Kitesurfing theory on the beach, Kite control, Set up a power kite, launch, landing and Self rescue, Kite control on the ground and in the water.
iko level 2 course (2 days)
intermediate price 370 US $
2 days, iko Level 2
First day: all steps covered in the IKO level 1 Course.
Second day: next step will be teaching you to do your first body draggings down wind, body draggings up-wind.
Know the power stroke for a water start
You will learn to do your first water starts and do short rides
iko level 3 course (3 days)
independant price 550 US $
6 Hours
3 days iko Level 3
First day: all steps covered in the IKO level 1 Course.
Second day: all steps covered in the IKO level 2 Course.
Third day: after a short ride, in the end of this course you should be able to do long rides on both sides, included up-wind.
iko level 3 course ( 4 days)
graduate price 720 US $
8 Hours
4 days iko Level 3
First day: all steps covered in the IKO level 1 Course.
Second day: all steps covered in the IKO level 2 Course.
Third day: after a short ride, in the end of this course you should be able to do long rides on both sides, included up-wind. You will then become an independent kite boarder.
forth day : ride like the wind under instructor’s supervision , learning transitions and easy riding